In an emergency call triple zero (000) or go to the closest emergency department, where they may refer you to the drug and alcohol service and/or mental health service.
General enquiries: 02 4394 4880 – Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm
Mental Health line 1800 011 511
If you, or someone you know, need help with a mental health problem call the Mental Health Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Drug and Alcohol services aim to reduce the harm associated with problematic alcohol and other drug use on individuals, their families and the communities of the Central Coast.
Drug and Alcohol Service (88 KB)
Drug and Alcohol Services Directory – includes Central Coast and NSW (189 KB)
Services are located at Gosford and Wyong hospitals with community-based counselling teams at community health centres across the Central Coast.
Services are available to people aged 18 years and over with the exception of the cannabis clinic that provides services for people aged 16 years and over.
Inpatient services are located at Wyong Hospital in Maruma-li, the Withdrawal Management Unit. Referrals are accepted state-wide.
Care is provided by a range of health professionals including psychologists, doctors, nurses, social workers and Aboriginal specialists.
Access to Drug and Alcohol services
Drug and Alcohol Access Line: 02 4394 4880 – Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm
Contact the Access Line for information and advice regarding alcohol and other drugs, and/or referral to Drug and Alcohol services such as:
Maruma-li inpatient Withdrawal Management Services (493 KB)
Maruma-li inpatient Withdrawal Unit Admission Information (493 KB)
Opioid Treatment Program (Methadone and Suboxone) Clinics
- Wallama clinic 02 4394 8180
- Kullaroo clinic 02 4320 2502
Aboriginal consultancy services
Central Coast Cannabis Clinic 02 4394 7999
Contact the Cannabis Clinic to access counselling services, information and advice about cannabis use.
Cannabis clinic brochure (228 KB)
MERIT- Magistrates Early Referral Into Treatment Program
Additional Services
Substance Use in Pregnancy and Parenting Service
Youth Drug and Alcohol Service
NSW 24 hour Drug and Alcohol advice
24-hour advice, information and referral service
1800 422 599 (toll-free)
Alcohol and Drug Information Service (ADIS) is a 24 hour, 7 days a week confidential telephone service, offering information, advice, referral and crisis counselling for people with problems related to drugs and alcohol. ADIS has an extensive database of treatment agencies across NSW.
Drug and Alcohol rehabilitation services – non-government
Dooralong Transformation Centre (formerly Selah Farm/Lake Macquarie Recovery Centre)
1467 Dooralong Road, Dooralong NSW 2259
Contact intake/facility on: 02 4355 8000
Hamlyn Terrace NSW 2259
Contact 02 4392 1341
Church Rd, Chittaway Point NSW 2261
Contact 02 4388 6360