Good nutrition can help people to remain independent and living in their own home for as long as possible.
Older people are at increased risk of malnutrition. Eating well helps to maintain strength and independence. Preventing unplanned weight loss can help to reduce the risk of malnutrition, falls and hospitalisation.
Training for service providers
We provide training and support for staff from community organisations who provide services for older people on the Central Coast. Contact the team for more information.
Resources to help older people eat well

This brochure provides a quick summary of the longer 58 page book
Eating Well booklet – a nutrition resource for older people and their carers (3 MB)
This 58 page book has been written to provide practical food and nutrition ideas and advice for older people who have unintentionally lost weight or at risk of malnutrition, their carers and support workers.

A resource with recipes designed to keep frail older people as well-nourished as possible. Suitable for those receiving Meals on Wheels and Home Care etc.

Suitable for older people in good health who require who want the latest in nutrition to maintain good health.
Best Practice Food and Nutrition Manual for Aged Care edition 2.2 (6.2 MB)
The manual provides appropriate, practical and helpful food and nutrition information for staff of aged care homes, especially nursing and food services, dietitians and those who have loved ones in care.
Updated chapter on swallowing and food texture that includes International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) information. For those with edition 2.1 of the manual