The Children’s Ward is located at Gosford Hospital providing medical and surgical care for infants, children and adolescents from birth to 16 or 17 years, if still at school.
The ward includes:
- general medical and surgical beds
- paediatric acute review clinic
- a high observation unit
- adolescent lounge area and designated adolescent beds
- single isolation/negative pressure rooms
- pull down beds/pull out chair beds for parents to stay at their child’s bedside
- playroom for recreational and educational needs of children during their stay, staffed by a qualified play specialist
- access to Ronald McDonald Family Room for parents and caregivers.
The Children’s Ward is locked at all times.
A video intercom is located at the front door. Please be patient as the staff may be busy and will open the door as soon as possible.
Children requiring specialist paediatric services including intensive care may be transferred to a specialist children’s hospital such as John Hunter Children’s Hospital, Sydney Children’s Hospital or Children’s Hospital Westmead.
Paediatric Acute Review Clinic
The paediatric acute review clinic is located in the Children’s Ward and caters for children who are acutely unwell but not needing admission to hospital.
The clinic supports parents in providing care for children in their home environment and allows children to return each day for review by a paediatric doctor and nurse.
Sometimes children can be discharged from the ward but come back to the clinic for further treatment and review.
High Observation Unit
Children’s Ward High Observation Unit provides an elevated level of care and monitoring for sick children.
The children are cared for by experienced paediatric nursing staff who provide close observation. When the child is stable and no longer requiring a high level of observation and monitoring, they are moved to the general ward and nursed appropriately there.
Visiting hours
Visiting times for parents and siblings is open, however we cannot accommodate siblings overnight.
Other visitors are permitted up to 7pm at the discretion of family and nursing staff.
Visitors under the age of 16 must be in the company of a responsible adult.
Visiting families should keep in mind that other children are on the ward and may require some peace and quiet. Please be considerate of other patients and their family and keep noise levels and visitors to a minimum.
Having an operation
Children can be uncertain and scared about coming to hospital for an operation. To help reduce their concerns and those of parents we provide pre-admission tours for children having elective (planned) surgery. To book a pre-admission tour contact 02 4320 3436.
Check out our factsheet for information about preparing for an operation, admission procedures and what to bring to hospital.
Child surgery factsheet (107 KB)
Keeping kids safe
The following brochures provide information and advice on helping to keep our children safe.
Kidsafe child car safety (1.2 MB)