Our Orthoptic service provides visual assessment and treatment for infants and children up to the age of 12 years.
Vision screening is also provided in early intervention centres and as a secondary screening service to the StEPS program.
The Orthoptic service aims to reduce the number of children with permanent visual loss as a result of poor awareness of visual/eye problems in childhood and emphasise the importance of early intervention.
Contact 02 4328 7900 for appointments and enquiries.
Statewide eyesight pre-schooler screening
The Statewide Eyesight Preschooler Screening (StEPS) program offers all four-year-old children who attend a Central Coast pre-school or childcare centre a vision screening assessment.
It is highly recommended that all four-year-old children have their vision screened. To benefit fully from treatment childhood vision problems need to be treated before school entry, during the critical vision development period.
The StEPS team visits all pre-schools and childcare centres on the Central Coast. StEPS clinics are also held in Community Health Centres during school holidays.
If your child missed their screening, or does not attend pre-school or childcare, please phone 02 4328 7900 to make an appointment.
For further information contact the local StEPS team on 02 4328 7900 or visit the NSW Health StEPS site: