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Maternity Services

After the Birth

Throughout your pregnancy a midwife will support you in preparing to go home with your baby.

Evidence shows that it is the best for mother and baby to return home as soon as possible after birth. If you are both well, transfer to midwifery care in your home is planned within 4 to 6 hours of birth.

If you or your baby need a longer hospital stay Gosford Hospital provides postnatal care for women and their babies.

Discharge planning will be discussed at your antenatal visits and after the birth of your baby.

Midwifery Support Program (MSP)

New born in armsCare for mums and babies is provided in the home following birth.  Phone calls and/or visits occur between 9 am and 3 pm, 7 days a week.

Advantages of care in your home:

  • family members can be more involved in your babies care
  • it is usually more restful in the comfort of your home

The midwife will provide care and advice regarding support services, including Early Childhood Health Centres and immunisation.

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