Everyone seeking or receiving healthcare in Australia has certain rights and responsibilities. They include the right to access, safety, respect, communication, participation, privacy and to comment on their care.
Guides for patients, carers and families
Rights and responsibilities: a guide for patients, carers and families (181 KB)
This booklet provides information on how these rights are achieved in the NSW public health system and the responsibilities that come with them.
Agency Information Guide (418 KB)
Agency Information Guides (AIG) play an important role in promoting access to information, supporting participation and contributing to Open Government.
This AIG is published in accordance with section 20 of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and provides a general description of:
- Our agency’s structure and function
- The way in which our functions affect members of the public
- How members of the public can participate in policy formulation and provide feedback
- The type of information we hold, and
- The type of information that is made publicly available
Useful links
Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights
Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Charter of Rights
Rights of children and young people in healthcare