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Aboriginal Health

Nunyara Aboriginal Health Unit

Nunyara means ~ ‘restored to health’ in barngarla language.

Central Coast Local Health District’s Aboriginal Health Unit Nunyara supports the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and enhance their quality of life living on the Central Coast.

Nunyara has strong links to the Aboriginal community and provides a number of services including specialised Aboriginal health services, advocacy and support.

The health services provided by Nunyara include:

  • Aboriginal complex care
  • Aboriginal hospital liaison
  • Aboriginal palliative care
  • Aboriginal cancer care

Aboriginal complex care

The Aboriginal complex care 48 hour follow up and case management program aims to improve the health outcomes of Aboriginal patients diagnosed with a chronic disease. It does this by providing follow up within two working days of discharge from hospital, along with ongoing support if required.

The team includes a manager of complex care, senior chronic care nurse, registered nurse, enrolled nurse, and an Aboriginal chronic care health worker.

This team also offers patients clinical information and support, and a plain english explanation of health issues.

To contact the Aboriginal complex care team, phone 02 4320 2698.

Aboriginal hospital liaison

Aboriginal hospital liaison officers provide support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients and their families when in hospital. The liaison officers will visit patients to:

  • help them better understand the health system and hospital procedures
  • provide cultural and social support to them and their families
  • provide advice on other services in the community
  • talk to the doctors and nurses at the patient’s request.

To contact the Aboriginal Hospital Liaison at Wyong or Gosford Hospitals, phone 02 4320 2698.

Contact us:

Nunyara Aboriginal Health Unit
Open Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm
2 Ward Street, Gosford NSW 2250
Phone: 02 4320 2698
Fax: 02 4320 2695

External page link Facebook – Nunyara Aboriginal Health Unit

External page link Instagram – Nunyara & Ngiyang Aboriginal Health


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