After injury to the muscles, tendons, bones or joints, rehabilitation is often required to assist in recovery, especially after being in a cast or having orthopaedic surgery.
While in a cast there are also simple exercises and advice that you can follow that will help speed up your recovery.
Here is some advice and exercises that are often helpful.
Short arm cast – cast not covering the elbow (202 KB) – this advises on how to take care of your cast, control the swelling and maintain movement in the shoulder, elbow and fingers while your injury heals.
Long arm cast – cast covering the elbow (194 KB) – this advises on how to take care of your cast, control the swelling and maintain movement in the shoulder and fingers while your injury heals.
Leg cast care and exercises (209 KB) – this advises on how to take care of your cast, control the swelling and maintain movement in the hip, knees and toes while your injury heals.
Short leg cast care and exercises (189 KB) = Your leg has been injured and you have to be in a cast for a period of time to allow the injury to heal
Long leg cast care and exercises (197 KB) – Your leg has been injured and you need to be in a cast for a period of time to allow the injury to heal.
Wrist and hand exercise after cast removal, the first 6 weeks (211 KB) – once you cast is off you will be a little stiff and sore. Here is some advice and exercises to start you moving again.
Wrist and hand exercises after cast removal, after 6 weeks (237 KB) – once you start to move you will notice that the joints are stiff and the muscles are weak. Here is some exercises to get you moving better
Elbow exercises in a Sling (206 KB) – Your elbow has been injured and that means you have to be in a brace and/or sling for a period of time to help it to heal.
Elbow exercises after cast removal, the first 6 weeks (204 KB) – once you cast is off you will be a little stiff and sore. Here is some advice and exercises to start you moving again.
Elbow exercises after cast removal, after 6 weeks (215 KB) – once you start to move you will notice that the joints are stiff and the muscles are weak. Here is some exercises to get you moving better.
Shoulder passive exercises in a sling (237 KB) – Your arm has been injured and need to be in a sling for a period a time to allow the injury to heal.
Ankle exercises after cast removal, the first 6 weeks (433 KB) – once you cast is off you will be a little stiff and sore. Here is some advice and exercises to start you moving again.
Ankle exercises after cast removal, after 6 weeks (247 KB) – once you start to move you will notice that the joints are stiff and the muscles are weak. Here is some exercises to get you moving better.
Knee exercises, the first 6 weeks (264 KB) – Your leg was injured and you had to be in a cast/splint for a while to allow it to heal. During this time your knee becomes stiff and your muscles become tight and weak.
Knee exercises from 6 weeks (300 KB) – It has now been more than 6 weeks since the orthopaedic doctor was happy for you to start exercise and movement.