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Our Services

Medical Day Unit

Medical Day Unit – Gosford

​The Medical Day Unit at Gosford Hospital provides services for people who require outpatient treatment for the management of chronic and acute conditions. Services can include intravenous therapies, abdominal paracentisis, BCG instillation and lumbar punctures. Please call the unit on 02 4320 9660 to enquire about additional services that may be available.


A referral from a specialist doctor is required to access services at the Medical Day Unit. Your GP can refer you to an appropriate specialist if you do not already have one.

Your specialist will forward the referral to the Medical Day Unit and we will contact you to arrange a treatment time. Referrals can be emailed to

All Medical Day Unit patients are treated as non-admitted patients.

What you need to bring

Your treatment episode may occur as a one off treatment or in a series of days or on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis. Your treatment timeframe is determined by your treating doctor.

For some treatments provided, your specialist will provide you with a prescription that you will need to fill at a pharmacy and bring with you to the Medical Day Unit for administration. Our staff will advise you when booking a treatment time.

Cancelling an appointment

If you are unable to attend your appointment contact our administration staff on 02 4320 3067 as soon as possible. If you cannot personally contact us due to a sudden change in condition such as an unplanned admission to hospital please ask your relative or carer to contact us.

If you are unwell

If you have gastroenteritis, a productive cough, chest infection or are feeling unwell please cancel your appointment for the safety of other patients who have reduced immune systems or are receiving medications that suppress the immune system.

Do not attend the Medical Day Unit if you are experiencing chest pain, specifically if you have a history of angina, heart attack, past by-pass surgery, an implanted permanent pacemaker or other heart condition.

If you are experiencing chest pain call 000 (triple zero) or see your doctor.

If you manage other health issues at home such as diabetes please bring your relevant medications for self-administration whilst in the Medical Day Unit.

During your treatment

Patients must be ambulatory and able to attend their own daily care. A carer may attend with you if you require assistance however, as there is limited space visitors will be asked to wait outside the treatment area or return upon completion of treatment.

Light refreshments are provided during your treatment such as sandwiches, cheese and biscuits, tea, coffee, water, orange and apple juice.

You may wish to bring books, magazines or a portable electronic device if you will be in the unit for an extended period. Portable DVD players are supplied for personal entertainment and a range of movies are available. If you are bringing your own electronic devices please bring headphones as well.

Note: there are no TV facilities.

If you become unwell during your treatment you will be seen by a medical registrar. If deemed necessary for further investigations or admission to hospital you will be transferred to the Emergency Department.

Getting here

The Medical Day Unit is located at the front of Gosford Hospital, to the left of the main entry.

Parking is available in the multistorey car park.

Internal page Parking

Hours of service

The Medical Day Unit operates Monday to Friday from 8am to 8pm.

Contact us

Contact the Medical Day Unit on 02 4320 9660, fax 02 4320 3064 or

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