Nutrition Services provides assessment, education, support and information for individuals with nutrition-related conditions. The service also provides public health and health promotion programs aimed at promoting health through healthy food choices and the prevention of diseases caused by poor nutrition. These programs are targeted at a wide range of age groups.
The service consists of clinical dietitians, dietitian assistants, public health nutritionists / dietitians and a health education officer.
While you are in hospital
If you are coming into hospital, you may find the following information useful.
Food and nutrition in NSW hospitals (833 KB)
Guidelines for bringing occasional food to patients (704 KB)
Need advice from a dietitian?
For enquiries and appointments contact Nutrition Services on 02 4320 3691 Monday to Friday 7.30am to 4.00pm, or email
Nutrition outpatient services are available for people with:
- Diabetes
- Renal impairment
- A confirmed diagnosis of Coeliac Disease or FODMAP intolerance
- Paediatric conditions
- Those who have lost weight unintentionally, are eating poorly and/or are at risk of malnutrition
- People requiring Home Enteral Nutrition.
A medical referral is required for all outpatient appointments.
All outpatient services offered are free of charge. These services extend across the Local Health District and include clinics at Gosford and Wyong hospitals and Woy Woy, Erina, Long Jetty and Toukley community health centres.
We do not offer an outpatient service for weight loss, cholesterol-lowering or blood pressure management. Patients are encouraged to access a private dietitian for these conditions. Speak with your General Practitioner or search for an Accredited Practising Dietitian in your area at: