Use the F.A.S.T. test to identify the common signs of a stroke:
Face – check their face. Has their mouth drooped?
Arms – can they lift both arms?
Speech – is their speech slurred, can they understand you?
Time – time is critical. If you see any of these signs call 000 (triple zero)
National Stroke Foundation – Think F.A.S.T.
Gosford and Wyong hospitals both have dedicated stroke units and staff to care for those who have experienced a stroke or transient ischaemic attack (TIA). The Gosford Hospital stroke team provides a 24-hour thrombolysis service.
Stroke rehabilitation services
There are several rehabilitation options after stroke including intensive, slow-stream and geriatric inpatient services in addition to outpatient services such as the Community Neurological Support Service (CNSS) that provides an intensive and non-intensive service.
Rehabilitation needs of stroke survivors are varied and some patients may not need inpatient or in-home rehabilitation services and may be referred to outpatient services following discharge from the stroke units.
Local private hospitals also offer stroke rehabilitation services.
Stroke Recovery Association NSW
Contact: 1300 650 594
Stroke Recovery Association NSW
Central Coast Stroke Recovery groups
The Central Coast has a number of stroke recovery groups and they invite everyone affected by stroke including family/carers to attend.
Working Age Group Stroke (WAGS) for 65 years and under
- Women Stroke Survivors
- Men’s Group (Scallywags)
Contact: 0410 444 122
Woy Woy Stroke Recovery Group
Wyong Stroke Support (WYSS Guys)
Contact: 1300 650 594
Other support services
Carers NSW
1800 242 636
CCLHD Carer Support
02 4320 5556
Central Coast Commonwealth Respite and Carelink centre
1800 052 222
Useful resources
Stroke Foundation – 1800 787 653