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Our Services



Gosford Hospital

Midwife only antenatal clinics are held Monday to Friday. High risk pregnancy clinics provided by doctors are held every Thursday morning. An antenatal endocrine clinic is held on Monday mornings and lactation consultation appointments are available fortnightly on a Wednesday morning.

Contact 02 4320 3389 for an appointment. A new eReferral system is also available for primary care providers referring to the antenatal clinic, more information is available on the eReferrals page.

Wyong Hospital

Midwife only antenatal clinics are held Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. High risk pregnancy clinics provided by doctors are held every Tuesday and Friday morning.

Contact 02 4320 2884 for ante-natal booking in appointments and 02 4394 7520 or 02 4394 7547 for midwives. A new eReferral system is also available for primary care providers referring to the antenatal clinic, more information is available on the eReferrals page.


Gynaecology clinics are held at Gosford Outpatients on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons. Gynaecological oncology appointments occur once per month on a Thursday. Contact 02 4320 3389 for an appointment.

Gynaecology and Colposcopy clinics are held at Wyong Outpatients on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings and/or afternoons. Contact 02 4394 8149 (select option 4) for an appointment.

GP referrals are accepted via the Gynaecology Centralised Booking clerk; all referrals should be sent through the new eReferral system now available for the Gynaecology clinic, more information is available on the eReferrals page.


Outpatient clinics are provided to patients who have had surgery or patients who have attended the emergency department due to injury and have been referred to the orthopaedic clinic.

Orthopaedic clinics are held at Gosford Outpatients on a Monday (all day), Tuesday morning and Wednesday afternoon.

Orthopaedic clinics are held at Wyong Outpatients on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings (fortnightly).

Contact 02 4320 5412 for all appointments.


Surgical clinics are held at Gosford Outpatients on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons. Contact 02 4320 3389 for an appointment. There is no surgical clinic at Wyong.

Ear, Nose Throat (ENT)

Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) clinics are held at Gosford Outpatients on the following days:

  • Tuesday afternoons
  • Thursday mornings
  • Every second Friday afternoon
  • Every second Wednesday morning
  • All day once a month on a Tuesday

Contact 02 4320 3389 for an appointment. There is no surgical clinic at Wyong.

Other clinics

The following clinics are held in Outpatients however, appointments are managed by the individual services. Refer to your discharge information for relevant contact details.

Gosford Outpatients

Clinic Clinic Days Appointments and Information
Pre-admission Monday to Friday mornings 02 4320 2323
Brain injury once a month on Friday 02 4929 3100
Cystic fibrosis once a month on Thursday morning 02 4320 3482
Geriatrician Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoon 02 4320 2157
Liver clinic All day Friday 02 4320 2390
Nutrition Tuesday afternoon and Friday morning 02 4320 3691
Pain Clinic Wednesday – Friday 02 4320 5423
Urology Friday mornings ​02 4320 3389

Wyong Outpatients

Clinic Clinic Days Appointments and Information
Cardiac (Dr Suri) Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons 02 4394 7642
Cardiology (Drs Ford & Spina) Tuesday afternoon 02 4320 2357
Endocrinology Wednesday 02 4320 3266
Fracture/Orthopaedic Monday & Wednesday & alternate Thursday mornings 02 4320 5412
Gastroenterology All day Monday, three Tuesdays per month, two Fridays per month 02 4320 2987
Geriatric Monday, Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday morning and all-day Thursday 02 4394 8099
Geriatric movement disorder clinic Tuesday and Thursday once per month 02 4320 5697
Liver Fortnightly all-day Friday 02 4320 2390
Maxillary Facial Friday morning, Wednesday afternoon monthly 02 4394 8149
Microbiology Monday morning and Wednesday afternoon 02 4320 2432
Nutrition All day one Monday a month, weekly Thursday 02 4320 3691
Pre-admission All day Tuesday and Thursday afternoons 02 4394 7615
Respiratory (Drs Hunter & Amirmalek) Monday to Thursday 02 4394 7252
Respiratory (Dr Sandeman) Monday morning 02 4320 3107
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