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Quick Meals for Kooris

PDF Document Quick Meals for Kooris – Trainers Manual (4.4 MB)Quick Meals for Kooris - Trainers Manual cover

A leader guide for people who are running the Quick Meals for Kooris practical cookery program

PDF Document Quick Meals for Kooris at Home (8 MB)Quick Meals for Kooris at Home cover

A practical food and nutrition resource to encourage and support healthy family food preparation at home. Contains nutrition information and quick, easy, low-cost recipes for eating well.

It can be a standalone resource or be given to people attending a Quick Meals for Kooris practical cookery program.

External page link Quick Meals for Kooris recipe demonstration videos

Watch how to prepare four quick, easy and low-cost recipes from the Quick Meals for Kooris at Home book.

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