Deciding when to come to hospital may not be easy. Assistance is always available. Do not hesitate to phone day or night.
Contact the Gosford Birthing Unit on 02 4320 3440.
Women in Midwifery Group Practice models phone their allocated midwife.
Please call if any of the following apply to you:
- Your waters have broken or if you have a constant trickle of fluid
- You have bright bleeding from your vagina
- You have regular or painful contractions
- You have noticed a difference/decrease in the baby’s movement pattern
- You are concerned about any aspect of your pregnancy at any time.
If you are advised to come to hospital, please remember to bring your antenatal card with you.
If you are less than 20 weeks pregnant, and have any problems, please contact your local doctor or come to the hospital’s emergency department.
How many support people can I have?
Two actively involved support people are welcome to stay with you during your labour and birth.
What pain relief is available?
We offer various pain relief options. We encourage active labour and non-medical options.
- Use of warm showers, bath or pool
- Heat
- Massage
- Music
- Medical pain relief options include:
- Sterile water injections for low back pain
- Nitrous oxide – breathed in via mask or mouth piece
- Morphine injections
- Epidurals (at Gosford Hospital only)
Can I have a water birth?
Water immersion in labour and birth is encouraged. Evidence suggests:
- Levels of pain are reduced
- Increases relaxation
- Women feel a greater sense of control in labour
- Less medical intervention
Water immersion in labour information sheet (36 KB)
Gosford Hospital Maternity Services tour
Watch this video for a walkthrough of our maternity services facilities and to learn more about what to expect during your stay.