Meet the team
A range of healthcare professionals and other staff will care for you during your stay in hospital. All our staff wear name badges and will introduce themselves and explain their role in your care.
We want to involve you in all decisions about your care. Please tell us if you need something explained more clearly. If you have any questions please ask a member of staff.
You will be under the care of a specialist doctor – known as a consultant or staff specialist – who works with a team of medical staff including registrars, resident medical officers and junior doctors. You will see the consultant or a member of his/her team regularly. The consultant has overall responsibility for your medical treatment and will always be involved in your care.
The Nurse Unit Manager – often referred to as the NUM or MUM (Midwifery Unit Manager) on the maternity ward is the senior nurse in charge of the ward. The NUM/MUM is responsible for your safety and well-being while you are on the ward. If you have any concerns about your care please speak to the NUM/MUM.
The nursing team includes registered and enrolled nurses who work with the medical team to provide care specific to your needs. Nurses may be supported by Assistants in Nursing (AINs). If you have any questions about your care or stay in hospital ask your nurse.
Allied health
The term ‘Allied Health’ refers to health professionals such as physiotherapists, occupational therapists, social workers, speech pathologists, podiatrists, dieticians, psychologists and audiologists. Depending on your needs there may be one or more allied health professional involved in your care.
Teaching hospitals
As teaching hospitals Gosford and Wyong hospitals have a role in training our future doctors and nurses. We provide opportunities for junior doctors and nurses to enhance their knowledge and skills under the supervision of highly qualified senior doctors and nurses. These trainee clinicians may be involved in your care as part of the medical or nursing team looking after you during your stay.
Other staff
There are many other staff who will be involved in your care, often behind the scenes. While on the ward you will also meet Patient Support Assistants (PSAs), food services staff and cleaners.
Hand hygiene
Washing your hands is a simple way to reduce the spread of infection. Do your bit and help us to do ours. Alcohol-based hand rub stations are found at the main entrances to our hospitals and healthcare centres, at the entrance to wards and at the bedside.
- wash your hands, with either alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water, before meals and after going to the toilet
- encourage visitors to wash their hands when entering and leaving the ward and ask them not to visit if they are unwell
- ask staff if they have washed their hands if you are not sure.
All staff should clean their hands before and after touching a patient and their surroundings and a friendly reminder will help to keep you and other patients safe. Help us to reduce the risk of infection.
Food and nutrition
If you are coming into hospital you may find the following information useful.
Food and nutrition in NSW hospitals (833 KB)
Guidelines for bringing occasional food to patients (704 KB)
Wi-Fi access
There is no publicly available Wi-Fi in our hospitals or health centres.