If you are going home on the same day of your procedure or surgery, you will be taken to the recovery area where you will be given something to eat. You will be able to leave the hospital once you have recovered from your anaesthetic and received any medications to take home. This is usually between 2 – 6 hours after your procedure or surgery.
Please make sure you have a responsible adult to take you home and stay with you for 24 hours. If this is not possible, please talk with your nurse. It is advised that any issues or concerns about going home should be discussed early with the nurse in the Pre-admission Clinic, and on admission to hospital.
If you are staying overnight (or longer) you will be taken to a hospital ward.
Going home
Within 24 hours after having an anaesthetic you must NOT:
- Drive a motor vehicle
- Drink alcohol
- Operate heavy machinery
- Sign important documents.
Concerns after your surgery
If you feel unwell, have severe pain or notice something that doesn’t look or feel quite right after the first few days following your procedure or surgery, you need to see a doctor. This could be your local doctor (GP) or specialist, or you might need to go to the nearest Emergency Department.
Go to your nearest Emergency Department (do not drive yourself) or dial 000 if you notice:
- Uncontrollable bleeding
- Chest pain or chest tightness
- Difficulty breathing
- A change in alertness or unable to stay awake
- Sudden weakness, numbness or paralysis of the face, arm or leg
- Sudden collapse or an unexplained fall
- Unexplained fitting
- Blood that appears when vomiting, coughing or with bowel movements
Contact your local doctor or specialist if you notice:
- Redness around your wound
- A slow increase in pain not controlled with your usual medication
- Increased swelling around the surgery area
- A bad smell or pus coming from the wound
- Feeling hot or cold, or having a fever
- Constipation or trouble with bowel movements
- Anything that is worrying you or your family after your procedure or surgery.
Healthdirect Australia
Healthdirect Australia is a telephone health advice line 1800 022 222. Registered nurses are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide advice when you’re not sure what to do – whether your should see a local doctor (GP), manage the condition at home, or got to an Emergency Department.