Disclaimer: The information contained on this website is not a substitute for medical and clinical advice. Always consult a qualified medical practitioner for diagnosis and treatment.
Healthwise on the Web
Five brief online videos to assist you finding high quality health information online.
Use Your Health Link to access a wide range of Australian health related websites and resources or check out some of the links below.
Useful websites
These links are reliable and free high quality health online resources.
healthdirectAustralia was established by the Council of Australian Governments with the purpose of providing all Australians with access to trusted professional health information without time or geographic restrictions. No matter where people live, what time of the day or night, they can access trusted advice on the most appropriate care for their health issue.
Dementia Australia
Dementia Australia advocates the needs of people living with dementia, and their families and carers. As the peak body and charity for all types of dementia, it provides advocacy, support services, education and information.
Australian Indigenous
Aims to inform practice and policy in Indigenous health by making research and other knowledge readily accessible and contribute to ‘closing the gap’ in health between Indigenous and other Australians.
Cancer Council
Cancer Council NSW is a community funded, community focused cancer charity dedicated to the defeat of cancer and is a member of Cancer Council Australia, along with Australian state and territory Cancer Council counterparts.
Cancer Directory
Cancer Directory Website provides the Australian community and health professionals with a credible and comprehensive online directory of trusted Australian cancer care publications and resources published since 2008. The Website provides direct links to resources on other websites that meet quality criteria determined by Cancer Council NSW. Over 500 are translated by accredited NAATI organisations into 56 languages.
Carers Australia
Carers Australia is the national peak body representing Australia’s carers, and takes a leadership role and responds to carers’ needs and those of the people they care for, being mindful of their financial challenges and in many cases a lack of social inclusion.
Carers Australia advocates on behalf of Australia’s carers to influence policies and services at a national level. They work collaboratively with partners and member organisations, the Network of state and territory Carers Associations, to deliver a range of essential national carer services.
Palliative Care Knowledge Network.
Health Information New South Wales State Library
If you’re looking for health information it can sometimes be challenging to know where to start. This NSW State Library guide will take you to a range of resources, from plain language information to the latest research.
Health Information NSW State Library
Tips for searching online
Evaluating websites
It is important to consider a number of aspects when evaluating websites, for example:
- Authority – who produces the website?
- Accuracy – is the information factual and logical?
- Reliability – what is the structure of URL/web address?
- Validity – is there cited information?/authors expert in field?/arguments supported with evidence?
- Point of view – does it contain bias/agendas?
- Timeliness – when was the website last updated?/ Is a date featured of when the website was created?/ Is information current?
Some clues to the origin and purpose of websites can be found in their URLs or web addresses. The domains indicate what type of body might own or populate the site.
.edu – Educational websites such Universities and TAFEs
.gov – Government websites
.org – Organisational websites non-government, some non-profit organisations – often very detailed information but use with caution as it may be biased
.com or .net – Commercial websites still often provide good information but are selling services/products. May also be personal websites – therefore evaluate content carefully as it may not be fully factual or backed by evidence, and may also be biased.
To recommend other useful websites please use our feedback email: CCLHD-Feedback@health.nsw.gov.au