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Fundraising and donations

Community support helps us to enhance medical and therapeutic equipment for patients in addition to items that improve patient comfort.

If you would like to organise a fundraiser or have a query about making a donation contact our Fundraising team on 02 4320 3659 or


There are many ways that you can make a donation to help sick and injured people in our community.

In person

The cashiers at either Gosford or Wyong Hospitals can accept donations during business hours (8am-12noon and 1pm to 4pm) Monday to Friday and are located adjacent to the main reception.

By post

Send your donation to

Fundraising Team
Central Coast Local Health District
PO Box 361
Gosford NSW 2250

Please add a note to indicate where you would like your donation to be used along with your contact details. All donations over $2 are acknowledged in writing and a tax receipt is provided.

Cheques should be made payable to ‘Central Coast Local Health District’

By phone

To make a credit card donation contact our cashiers on 02 4320 3246 during business hours Monday to Friday.

A gift in your will

We understand that family comes first when planning for the future which is why we truly appreciate gifts left to our hospitals and services.

Every gift makes a difference and will help us to deliver the best in healthcare to future generations.

We recommend that you consult a solicitor or the NSW Trustee and Guardian to draft a will or have it updated. If you have a will already you can ask your solicitor to make an amendment using a codicil.

You might decide to gift:

  • The residue of your estate or a percentage of the residue of your estate
  • The whole of your estate or a percentage of your estate
  • A specific amount.

You can also specify in your will which area within the Local Health District you wish your legacy to benefit, for example, children’s services, renal care, cancer services, mental health services, etc.

Suggested wording

“I bequeath to Central Coast Local Health District (specific gift / specified sum / percentage of estate / residue of estate) to (specific hospital/specific ward / department / community service to be used for purposes of medical equipment / research / education or at the discretion of the Hospital Executive for the areas of greatest need) and I declare that a receipt by the Chief Executive or other delegated authority shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my Executors.”

If you have already included a gift in your will or plan to do so, we would greatly appreciate if you wouuld let us know so we may acknowledge your generosity in your lifetime.  Your privacy is a priority and we will treat your information with strictest confidence.

A gift in memory

Honour the memory of a loved one with a donation or collection at the funeral. If you would like to arrange a collection at the funeral, ask the funeral director to contact us on email or telephone 4320 3659 and we will arrange in memoriam envelopes to be provided.

Alternatively, you can contact directly and we will arrange for in memoriam envelopes to be delivered to you.

In memoriam envelopes enable family and friends to make a donation at the funeral service. If they choose to include their details on the envelope, where marked, we can provide an individual tax receipt and letter of thanks.

If you would like to make a donation in memory of a loved one you can use any of the donation options. If you provide the contact details of the family of your loved one we will let them know about your donation.

If you have any questions about an in memoriam donation, contact our Fundraising team on 02 4320 3659.

Contact us

For any questions about donations or fundraising contact our Fundraising team on 02 4320 3659 or

Hospital auxiliaries

We have several hospital auxiliaries who raise funds through a range of activities such as hospital stalls, raffles and sightseeing tours. If you would like to join them or perhaps you would like to contribute your sewing, knitting or jam making skills give the president of the auxiliary you are interested in a call. They would love you to get involved.

Gosford Hospital Auxiliary 0449 504 673

Wyong Hospital Auxiliary 0404 044 399

Woy Woy Hospital Auxiliary 0431 650 306

Ourimbah Hospital Auxiliary 0439 443 140

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