Partnering with consumers helps us to identify opportunities to improve how, when and where we deliver care to the community, and meet growing demand. We are committed to developing strong and effective partnerships to meet the community’s health needs and welcome suggestions from the community to help us improve the care we provide.
Consumer Network
The Consumer Network offers different ways you can have a say about healthcare and the local health service. It provides ways to become involved that is meaningful to you as well as us.
For more information on the Consumer Network, see our Consumer Participation Framework 2019-2022.
Consumer Participation Framework 2019-2022 (2.42MB)
Here are some of the ways you can get involved at different levels, in various ways:
- Join the email group to tell us your opinion on a health service subject or health care topic. You may receive occasional information and be invited to give your advice.
- Tell us about your experience so we can better understand what works for you. Sharing your story is a powerful way to let us know what works well and what does not. It can help guide changes to the way health care is delivered. This can be written down, filmed or recorded.
- Attend a forum to get information and provide advice on health services or health care topics.
- Join a project team working with staff to redesign a system to improve care. Meeting schedules may vary. You may join a project team for a limited time.
- Join a working group to discuss and plan about a single health service or issue. Meetings can be once a month, or more frequently. Each meeting may run for one or two hours. You may join a working group for a limited time.
- Join a committee to contribute to planning, design and evaluation of health services. Committees generally meet once a month. Each meeting may run for one or two hours. You may join a committee for a number of years. Some knowledge or experience in how health services work is desirable, but not essential.
Consumer and Community Engagement Committee (CCEC)
The CCEC is the leading consumer committee for the District.
Meeting once a month, the purpose of the CCEC is to:
- drive consumer engagement and partnership across the District at all levels
- provide guidance and views of consumers to the District Chief Executive and Board in order to improve the quality of health care for the local community.
Get in touch
If you are interested in becoming a member of our Consumer Network, or you would like more information about how to get involved, contact the CCLHD Volunteer and Consumer Manager:
Phone: 4320 3450 or
We welcome your input and support.