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Our Board

Our Local Health District has been set-up in accordance with the National Health and Hospital Agreement. It is led by a professional Health District Board and LHD Chief Executive.

The Health District Board and Chief Executive are responsible for:

  • Improving local patient outcomes and responding to issues that arise throughout our Local Health District.
  • Monitoring the performance of our Local Health District against performance measures in the LHD Service Agreement.
  • Delivering services and performance standards within an agreed budget, based on annual strategic and operating plans. This forms the basis of our Local Health District Service Agreement.
  • Ensuring services are provided efficiently and accountably. Production of Annual Reports that are subject to State financial accountability and audit frameworks.
  • Maintaining effective communication with local and State public health stakeholders.

Board members

Our Board members bring a wealth of experience, knowledge and passion for health to the Local Health District.

Professor Donald MacLellan

Board Chair

Donald completed his science and medical degrees at Glasgow University before completing training in general surgery in Melbourne. He was Professor of Surgery at the University of Melbourne for six years before becoming Professor of Surgery at the University of Sydney.

In 2005, Professor MacLellan was appointed as the NSW State-wide Program Director of Surgery. He moved to the Agency for Clinical Innovation in 2012 as a senior Executive and latterly as its Chief Executive.

In 2019, he joined the Central Coast Local Health District Board and became Board Chairman in 2021. He is committed to working with the District Executive team to achieve significant improvements in health service delivery for the District.

Greg Healy Non smiling square (1)

Mr Greg Healy

Deputy Board Chair

Greg has extensive experience through a 30-year-plus career in the Financial Services Industry, both in Australia and Asian markets, specialising in pension services, investment management services and wealth management. He remains actively involved in the industry through consulting and board positions.

Mr Healy has previously held roles including Managing Director of AMP Superannuation and AMP Capital Investors Singapore and General Manager SCG Cricket. He co-established and currently chairs NFP, Kindness Factory Australia and USA, which continues to expand globally.

Tim Ebbeck Photo

Mr Timothy Ebbeck

Board member

Tim has over 30 years of board, executive, and advisory experience across a breadth of industries including technology, public sector, media, sport, professional services, energy, and finance.

Tim’s executive experience includes roles as Chief Executive Officer at SAP (ANZ), Chief Executive of Oracle (ANZ), Chief Commercial Officer of SAP (APJ), Chief Commercial Officer of NBN Co, as well as Chief Financial Officer of Unisys South Pacific and TMP Worldwide.

His board roles have included being Non-Executive Director for ReadyTech Ltd (RDY.ASX), XPON Technologies Ltd (XPN.ASX), Tymlez (TYM.ASX), IXUP Ltd (IXU.ASX), CPA Australia, Nextgen Distribution, and as a Trustee of the Museum of Applied Arts & Sciences NSW.

Mr Greg Flint

Board member

Greg has worked in the health system for a period of 46 years, in public hospitals, private hospitals and aged care services. He holds a health management qualification from Sturt University.

Greg has worked across a number of metropolitan and regional hospitals including Wyong, Gosford and Calvary Mater and held senior management and Chief Executive roles.

As a Board member Greg is committed to providing high-quality and safe care to the Central Coast.

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Dr Brent Jenkins

Board member

Brent is an experienced chief executive, manager and strategic consultant with extensive experience working in research and technology intensive industries. With a career spanning many industries and countries, Brent brings a wealth of business experience in areas including strategic planning, research management and technology transfer, business operations and change management.

In his last role, Dr Jenkins led the Hunter Research Foundation which undertook economic and social research projects of importance to the region and to research partners. He has also worked for a number of international consulting organisations and held roles with BHP and The University of Newcastle.

Mr Robert King

Board member

Rob is a Central Coast community pharmacist who has lived and worked in the region since 1992. His experience lies in regional and rural community pharmacy, a role which has given him a thorough understanding of day-to-day community health needs, community pharmacy and the challenges of small business.

He has served on a diverse range of both community and national professional organisations. He has special interests in aged care, opiate treatment programs, preventative health, and advancing the scope of practice of Pharmacists within the health system.

Dr William Munro

Board member

Bill has been a surgeon in the Central Coast Local Health District for 25 years.

During that time he has been involved in many aspects of management and patient care, taking on roles including Director of Surgery, Chair Medical staff Council and an examiner for Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.

His clinical expertise is in upper gastrointestinal surgery and paediatric surgery.

Ms Sarah Winter

Board member

Sarah has more than 15 years of experience in public administration and governance, community advocacy, stakeholder engagement and communication. Sarah has a legal and human rights background and is motivated to create impact through diversity, equality and inclusion.

Currently an Executive Director, Greater Cities Commission, Sarah is responsible for leading intergovernmental policy, funding coordination and engagement with Commonwealth and local Governments in the Six Cities Region, including the Central Coast.

Sarah is also a Board member and Chair of the Governance Committee of Pacific Link Housing and a member of the Council Board and Fundraising Subcommittee of the Sydney Peace Foundation.

Central Coast Local Health District – ABN: 88 523 389 096

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