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Nutrition for older people

Good nutrition can help people to remain independent and living in their own home for as long as possible. Older people are at increased risk of malnutrition. Eating well helps to maintain strength and independence. Preventing unplanned weight loss can…

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Nutrition in schools

For decades we have worked in the schools setting with the Central Coast Health Promotion Service to support local schools, teachers, canteen managers and parents to promote healthy eating to children and adolescents.  Healthy School Canteens Practical resources and a…

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Nutrition in early childhood

Early childhood (0-5 years of age) is an ideal time to influence healthier eating practices that will last a lifetime. Parents, carers and early childcare education and care (ECEC) staff need credible information to support children to learn to eat…

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Quick Meals for Kooris

Quick Meals for Kooris - Trainers Manual (4.4 MB) A leader guide for people who are running the Quick Meals for Kooris practical cookery program

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Nutrition on a budget

Resources to help prepare easy, low-cost and nourishing meals and snacks Good Value Foods (2 MB) This set of visual resources shows healthy options for a limited food budget. Each page can be used on its own or combined with…

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Nutrition Resources

About the Public Health Nutrition Team We help members of the Central Coast Community to improve their health and wellbeing through eating well. We work closely with the community and other partners to provide information, programs and resources to support…

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