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CCLHD Publications

PDF Document Strategic Plan 2024-2027 (PDF, 2.93 MB)

Over the next three years we will focus on improving the overall health of our community and building trusted care, so that everyone feels safe and comfortable using our services.
Our new Strategic Plan lays out the five main priorities that will help us realise this vision and guide us in what we need to do.

PDF Document  Clinical Services Plan 2023-2028 (PDF, 10 MB)

The CCLHD Clinical Services Plan 2023-2028 sets out the blueprint for us to achieve our vision of Caring for the Coast over the next five years.

It identifies opportunities to develop our services and increase our capacity to better meet the health needs of our community. It documents our plans to harness these opportunities to provide exceptional care for our patients, community and staff.

Strategic Research Plan 2022-2026 cover

PDF Document Strategic Research Plan 2022-2026 (PDF, 1 MB)

The Central Coast Local Health District Strategic Research Plan 2022-2026 builds on the previous Research Plans that realised the appointment of Professor Nick Goodwin as the inaugural Director of Research for the District and CCRI. He brings his extensive experience in translational research and integrated models of care to the Central Coast. The District is now well placed to be a partner in applying the results of translational research into integrated care and embedding them into routine health care for our community.

PDF Document Environmental Sustainability Framework 2024-2027 (PDF, 2.61 MB)

The Central Coast Local Health District (CCLHD) Environmental Sustainability Framework 2024-2027 demonstrates our commitment to providing high value, low carbon, sustainable healthcare services. Our goal is to reduce our carbon footprint and environmental impact, while delivering sustainable healthcare services that our staff and community trust, in line with the CCLHD Strategic Plan.

PDF Document Caring for our Community Plan 2021-2031 (PDF, 3.2 MB)

The Central Coast Local Health District Caring for our Community Plan 2021-2031 sets out a blueprint for what we want to achieve for our Community Health Services over the next 10 years and provides a roadmap for how we might get there. The Plan acknowledges the important trends occurring towards community based health care and strives to be at the forefront of this trend. The Plan was developed in consultation with over 200 community members, staff and external partners.

Diversity And Inclusion Programs

PDF Document Diversity and Inclusion Programs (PDF, 2 MB)

Please enjoy learning about the many ways that Central Coast Local Health District seeks to deepen diversity and inclusion as part of how we ‘Care for the Coast’ every single day.

Best Practice Food and Nutrition 2 Cover

PDF Document Best Practice Food and Nutrition Manual Volume 2.1 (PDF, 18.8 MB)

There is one exception to the epidemic of overweight and obesity in Australia. Older people can be at risk of malnutrition if they depend on others to provide their food. The Food and Nutrition Manual for Aged Care provides appropriate, practical and helpful information for all staff of aged care homes, dietitians and those who have loved ones in care.

Eating Well A Nutrition Resource for Older People Cover

PDF Document Eating Well A Nutrition Resource for Older People and their Carers (PDF, 3 MB)

This resource has been written to provide practical food and nutrition ideas and advice for older people, their carers and support workers.

PDF Document Eating Well brochure (PDF, 440 KB)

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