The CCLHD- Application Checklist- CPI, QI and Research has been designed to assist Central Coast Local Health District (CCLHD) staff in identifying when a Clinical Practice Improvement (CPI) or Quality Improvement (QI) project entails ethical ‘risks’. It is based upon the following NSW Health and NHMRC documents;
CCLHD- Application Checklist- CPI, QI and Research (652 KB)
National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007)
NSW Health Privacy Manual (2005) (PDF)
When does Quality Assurance in Health Care Require Independent Ethical Review?
Quality Assurance in Health Care Require Independent Ethical Review application checklist
If the answer to any of the questions on Page 2 of the application checklist is ‘YES’ you need to seek further advice from the CCLHD Research Office about the need for ethical review and completion of the appropriate application. The project may still qualify as a quality project. The Research Manager will advise. .
If the answers to all the questions are ‘NO’ consultation is recommended with your Department/Divisional Manager for authorisation to proceed.
Questions regarding completing a CPI or QI that does not involve ‘ethical risks’ should be directed to the Clinical Governance Unit on 02 4320 2983.