Gosford and Wyong Hospital’s Emergency Departments were the recipients of a donation of almost $25,000 from the 2018 Bay to Bay Running Festival.
It was the second year that Central Coast Local Health District (CCLHD) was a major beneficiary of the charity event and a record year for funds raised and number of participants.
The donated funds allowed Gosford Hospital to purchase a paediatric nasopharyngoscope and Wyong Hospital purchased a highly specialised piece of intubating equipment (“D blade”) that extends the ability of equipment they already have.
CCLHD Area Director of Emergency Services Kate Porges said they were extremely grateful for the generosity of the Bay to Bay Running Festival.
“Both of these items give clinicians a clear view of the airway to investigate blockages and intubate when required, she said.
“This will help us to better diagnose and treat our emergency patients.”
The runners recently visited Gosford Emergency Department to see staff demonstrate the new equipment.
“It is extremely gratifying to see how the equipment will be used to help patients,” Bay to Bay Race Director Jenny Barker said.
She said they liked to support the emergency departments as they were the first point of call for people coming into hospital.
“Everybody hopes they won’t, but at some point they need to go to hospital and the emergency department is where you start out – they are your first responders,” she said.
“So we think it is important to purchase vital equipment to help emergency staff give patients the very best care possible right from the start.”
Ms Barker said they were also mindful that runners have the occasional trip to the emergency department.
“Runners do have accidents at times and things can happen to participants at the festival so we like to give back to the local hospitals who will be the ones to take care of us if we hurt ourselves.”
CCLHD Emergency Departments will once again be the major beneficiary for this year’s Bay to Bay event on 16 June 2019.